I Got Rhythm (Updated)
Slap That Bass (Updated)
Crazy For You Rehearsal Info
Stiff Upper Lip Notes -
Part 1
Nolan, Adrianne, Sam, Ansley (Chin Up, Arm Up (L), Shimmy, Brush Brush, Pose w/ feet popped in ) x4
Everyone - Chin Up, Arm Up, Shimmy, Brush Brush, Chin Up, Arm Up
Step, Step, Step, PAUSE, Shuffle, Toe, Heel, Step
4 Counts to stand on boxes
8 toe heels (right foot first)
Cramp roll, Toe Heel, Toe Heel, Toe Heel, Toe
(Right Toe/Left Heel)
(Starting right foot)
(Toe heel - Toe back) x4
Shuffle step, Shuffle step, shutfle step front back x2
Cramp roll, step, step, step x 3
Cramp roll x3 —> Jump off boxes
1 - 8 Count
Front 2 rows (circle around)
Back row cross
1:35 Ensemble Girls Start
Follie Group 1 - 1:43
Follie Group 2 - 1:51
Sam and Ansley - 1:59
Cowboys - 2:12
Part 1
Nolan, Adrianne, Sam, Ansley (Chin Up, Arm Up (L), Shimmy, Brush Brush, Pose w/ feet popped in ) x4
Everyone - Chin Up, Arm Up, Shimmy, Brush Brush, Chin Up, Arm Up
Step, Step, Step, PAUSE, Shuffle, Toe, Heel, Step
4 Counts to stand on boxes
8 toe heels (right foot first)
Cramp roll, Toe Heel, Toe Heel, Toe Heel, Toe
(Right Toe/Left Heel)
(Starting right foot)
(Toe heel - Toe back) x4
Shuffle step, Shuffle step, shutfle step front back x2
Cramp roll, step, step, step x 3
Cramp roll x3 —> Jump off boxes
1 - 8 Count
Front 2 rows (circle around)
Back row cross
1:35 Ensemble Girls Start
Follie Group 1 - 1:43
Follie Group 2 - 1:51
Sam and Ansley - 1:59
Cowboys - 2:12
Can't Be Bothered Notes:
Follies enter from car
2 1/2 8 counts to get into spots - “Falap” x2 “Falap w/ turn” x2
Two lines - Falap ball change, pull back step x2 - x4 toe, out in
Falap heel heel, pull heel toe heel, brush ball change, falap ball change x2
Back essence x4 ( you have a video :)
Falap —> straight line
Shirley temple x4 ( you have a video. It may also be called a broadway :)
Kicks x 4
Falap step around counter clockwise x4
Drag back w/ Nolan
Follies enter from car
2 1/2 8 counts to get into spots - “Falap” x2 “Falap w/ turn” x2
Two lines - Falap ball change, pull back step x2 - x4 toe, out in
Falap heel heel, pull heel toe heel, brush ball change, falap ball change x2
Back essence x4 ( you have a video :)
Falap —> straight line
Shirley temple x4 ( you have a video. It may also be called a broadway :)
Kicks x 4
Falap step around counter clockwise x4
Drag back w/ Nolan
Crazy For You Audition Prep
The Drowsy Chaperone rehearsal 2022
Show Off
Bride's Lament
Wedding #2 / I Do, I Do / Finale Ultimo
Cold Feet Videos
Toledo beginning
Inside arm up
Nice & slow- Face front
Then- chop 2x, pound 2x, clap pose
Look at F to face front
Walk sr 4x w/ jazz hands
Steps with hands up 2x
Throw it in- Step & throw
Jazz square
Clap pose
Beat it up- Knee kicks RLRR pounding R fist
Speed it up- elbows up
Heat it up- rolling hands
Rise- lift arms up
Don’t let it- fists
It’s a snap - 4 walks front start R
Whip your whites- circle L hand while knee kicks R 2x
Split your yokes- open knees w/ jazz hands 2x
Then you got- stir the bowl moving USL ponyish
Lick lingers 5x facing each other
6,7,8,9,10,11,12- Peppermint patty 2x , high five, clap, hit us foot, clap, turn to stop w/same foot
Follow feldzieg during dialogue
Move SR stepping pushing up 4x
Slow walks with jazz hands
Hop touches 4x
Clap pose
Hops with finger 4x
Giraffes 4c
Toe touches hopping backwards 4c
Step kick, step touch 6c
what- arms out with a shimmy
Does- arms up- D&J hands up & out 2x up and in 2x
Step hops away from Kitty then towards arms swinging out
Squeeze - 2 knee kicks R
Grease- 2 knee kicks L
Lick - step high kick, step touch
Makes - knees out & in w/ jazz hands 4x
Clap pose
Ensemble renter when aldolpho makes announcement
First You- high knees side 4x
Then you- giraffe 4x
When you- hips bounce around L hand up
Rise- hands up
Don’t- hands down
Kitty & gangsters join
Bell but forward 12, 34, 5,6,7,8 repeat
Step hops with finger 4x
Clap pose
Gangsters, feldzieg, kitty circle doing step touch pushing arms down then up
Opening up to V during “now it’s looking ready”
Surprise! - arms up (you got it)
Makes me twitch - shoulders
Makes me shake- shimmy
This dessert- chugs (don’t move feet)
Hits me like- pull up skirt, knees in and out
ALL run to places for BIG DANCE BREAK
Act 1 Finale
8c dancing moving to position
All move in slow Mo getting slower and slower as Janet speaks freezing on saddest day of my life facing Janet
She runs off “Wedding Bells” pauses on staircase reaching for Robert running off on celebrate
Ensembles follows her to new position facing her, then face audience on “THEY will never”
MIC in c in all of it
Inside arm up
Nice & slow- Face front
Then- chop 2x, pound 2x, clap pose
Look at F to face front
Walk sr 4x w/ jazz hands
Steps with hands up 2x
Throw it in- Step & throw
Jazz square
Clap pose
Beat it up- Knee kicks RLRR pounding R fist
Speed it up- elbows up
Heat it up- rolling hands
Rise- lift arms up
Don’t let it- fists
It’s a snap - 4 walks front start R
Whip your whites- circle L hand while knee kicks R 2x
Split your yokes- open knees w/ jazz hands 2x
Then you got- stir the bowl moving USL ponyish
Lick lingers 5x facing each other
6,7,8,9,10,11,12- Peppermint patty 2x , high five, clap, hit us foot, clap, turn to stop w/same foot
Follow feldzieg during dialogue
Move SR stepping pushing up 4x
Slow walks with jazz hands
Hop touches 4x
Clap pose
Hops with finger 4x
Giraffes 4c
Toe touches hopping backwards 4c
Step kick, step touch 6c
what- arms out with a shimmy
Does- arms up- D&J hands up & out 2x up and in 2x
Step hops away from Kitty then towards arms swinging out
Squeeze - 2 knee kicks R
Grease- 2 knee kicks L
Lick - step high kick, step touch
Makes - knees out & in w/ jazz hands 4x
Clap pose
Ensemble renter when aldolpho makes announcement
First You- high knees side 4x
Then you- giraffe 4x
When you- hips bounce around L hand up
Rise- hands up
Don’t- hands down
Kitty & gangsters join
Bell but forward 12, 34, 5,6,7,8 repeat
Step hops with finger 4x
Clap pose
Gangsters, feldzieg, kitty circle doing step touch pushing arms down then up
Opening up to V during “now it’s looking ready”
Surprise! - arms up (you got it)
Makes me twitch - shoulders
Makes me shake- shimmy
This dessert- chugs (don’t move feet)
Hits me like- pull up skirt, knees in and out
ALL run to places for BIG DANCE BREAK
Act 1 Finale
8c dancing moving to position
All move in slow Mo getting slower and slower as Janet speaks freezing on saddest day of my life facing Janet
She runs off “Wedding Bells” pauses on staircase reaching for Robert running off on celebrate
Ensembles follows her to new position facing her, then face audience on “THEY will never”
MIC in c in all of it
Toledo Notes (via Amber)
Toledo Surprise (Start at 3:00)
Charleston 8c start R
Chug RL arms front
Chug RL arms up
Kick front 2x, back 2x, front, back, front, back
Bell R foot 4c, L 4c, R 2c, L 2c, 2c, L 2c
Step hop RLRL, R finger up
Run around yourself 8c
Slap, cross, cross, cross, slap , shoulders, up
Run to hiding places
After scaring Kitty
4 slow walks forward facing side w/ jazz hands
l hand up R tummy bounce w/hip circles 8c
Kick front back facing SL 3x
Step l 12, r high kick 34, step r56, touch back 78
Run forward 1234, snake up w/ arms 5678
Knee kick rlrl
Sugar 4c spread out running 4c clap on 8
Chop the nuts- Arms out, knee kicks R L R R
Pound the dough- Pulling elbows up, knee kicks L R LL
Pick it up- step walking to position w/ high knees 12c
Nice & slow- 5678 - jazz hands open with knees
Then you got- fast Grapevine R hitting thighs then l, clap pose
R knee kick 2x, l knee kick repeat
Step kick step touch til ending pose alternating rows
Toledo Surprise (Start at 3:00)
Charleston 8c start R
Chug RL arms front
Chug RL arms up
Kick front 2x, back 2x, front, back, front, back
Bell R foot 4c, L 4c, R 2c, L 2c, 2c, L 2c
Step hop RLRL, R finger up
Run around yourself 8c
Slap, cross, cross, cross, slap , shoulders, up
Run to hiding places
After scaring Kitty
- coming in every 8c
4 slow walks forward facing side w/ jazz hands
l hand up R tummy bounce w/hip circles 8c
Kick front back facing SL 3x
Step l 12, r high kick 34, step r56, touch back 78
Run forward 1234, snake up w/ arms 5678
Knee kick rlrl
Sugar 4c spread out running 4c clap on 8
Chop the nuts- Arms out, knee kicks R L R R
Pound the dough- Pulling elbows up, knee kicks L R LL
Pick it up- step walking to position w/ high knees 12c
Nice & slow- 5678 - jazz hands open with knees
Then you got- fast Grapevine R hitting thighs then l, clap pose
R knee kick 2x, l knee kick repeat
Step kick step touch til ending pose alternating rows
Anything goes Rehearsal 2018
Anything Goes
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